Our Christmas Gift Card Drive is underway! Can you help transform Christmas for a foster youth in Knox County? Yes you can!
For the third year in a row, we are collecting $25 gift cards to benefit foster youth in Knox County. There are 55 foster youth in our county. We want to give each one of them 3 $25 gift cards and a gospel centered Christmas card. Gift cards are a great way to encourage foster youth at Christmastime (or any time!). What teenager doesn’t love having cash to spend?! Gift cards we love to receive are – Amazon, Walmart, and local fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Donatos, Little Caesar’s, Wendy’s and Dairy Queen.
There are three ways to give :
1. Pick up some $25 gift cards next time you’re at the grocery store. Then, coordinate with Brittany, Clark your TFI Advocate, to deliver them to her or one of our local delivery spots. (Connect with Brittany through emails [email protected], or text/call 614-623-2925)
2. Work together with your people to make this a group project. Giving is always more fun in community! Talk to your family, friends, coworkers, exercise groups, church small groups – whoever your people are – and make this a group effort! Sometimes people host “matching” programs with their people. You match whatever your team brings in!
3. Give online and we will do the shopping and delivering for you! 100% of your donation will go directly to this drive. Click this link to give now – https://give.lifesong.org/lifesong/tfi-oh-knoxco
*The Deadline for gift card delivery and giving is December 11! So, get busy people!
Our Christmas Gift Card drive is Knox JFS’s favorite project that we do for them. It meets a need for foster youth, who can often feel forgotten in the system, especially around the holidays. Many of them have been in care for a long time, waiting for adoption or to be emancipated at age 18. The gift we give may seem small, but it really is big because it lets them know that they are seen and loved by God and their community.
Any extra gift cards that come in are used by the Agency for teens on an as-needed basis. Social workers might take them to buy new shoes or school clothes. They might take teens out to lunch if they are going to court or a family visit. They use them as incentives to inspire kids in care to meet their goals. To sum it up, this one drive touches foster youth in countless different ways! It truly is a blessing to our Agency!
Christmas is a time for giving, as we remember the ultimate gift that God gave to us – He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live, serve and die for mankind. His sacrifice not only paid the price for our sin; but it also allowed us to come back into community with Him. He offers us abundant life, eternal love and intimate friendship. This Christmas, we pray that you will experience His life, love, and friendship more than ever. We want to share that same life, love, and friendship with our foster youth. Your gift will allow us to do just that. Merry Christmas!