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Learning How to Love Those in Need

Sometimes, it just feels easier to avoid the mess of foster care. It feels more comfortable not to pursue communication with biological parents. It feels easier to keep everyone else on the team at an…
Becky Nelson
September 28, 2020

This Is What Birth Parents Need

I'll never forget the first phone call we shared. She was very nervous, and so was I. She had her stereotypes of folks like me, and I had mine of folks like her, but when…
Jami Kaeb
July 23, 2020

Give Yourself This Humility Checkup

For many of us, we've stepped into foster care because we care about people. We care about serving and caring for those around us. Even if you aren't directly involved in the foster care community,…
Mitch Nelson
July 6, 2020

How to Love Your Foster Child

How can I love a child who was not born to me? It’s a question often asked, or if not asked out loud, it’s that thought that feels too cold to say but a question…
Jami Kaeb
May 14, 2020