Volunteer with TFI: Mitchell/Yancey Counties

Power of Choice

Every day children in foster care have countless choices made for them. Give these children the power of choice by giving them a gift card to allow these children choose the outfit, body wash, toy, or anything else they want.

How can you help?

  • Purchase gift cards, or donate to provide them. Please put “Power of Choice” in the note section of the form.
  • If you own a local business or know someone who does, let them know about this project. We are specifically looking for hairdressers and restaurants, but all are welcome!

Birthday Boxes

The privilege of receiving a card or gift on your birthday is one that we want all children to experience. Be a part of making sure that every child in foster care is celebrated and seen on their birthday.

How can you help?

  • Host a Packing Party: We love to let you in on the fun of packing! We’ve had several groups help us assemble these boxes and pray over them. Each group has been unique and so much fun! This is an excellent project for small groups, youth groups, or even a group of friends.
  • Host a Book Party: For the upcoming year, we’ve chosen a couple of Usborne books that we’d like to include in the box. We have some amazing local bookstores and can set you up with them to help earn books for our Birthday Boxes.
  • Sponsor a Box: Each Birthday Box cost roughly about $35 each. This is a great way to honor a loved one on their birthday. We are happy to send them a note letting them know you donated in their honor. Please put “Birthday Boxes” in the note section of the form.

Agency Appreciation

We love our agency workers! Their jobs are not easy, and they need to know they are supported. Join us as we show appreciation to those who are often forgotten.

How can you help?

  • Volunteer: Choose a month and bless agency workers. We are happy to provide ideas for ways to make them feel special.
  • Donate: Give towards showing appreciation to these hard workers! Please put “Agency Appreciation” in the note section of the form.


Thank you for your willingness to share your gifts and talents to support the foster care community!

How are you interested in serving?(Required)
Please check all that apply.
If you have specific ideas, we'd love to hear them!