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Dear Pastor

You can reach your neighbors in foster care

with the redemptive love of Christ.

We’re here to help.

It begins with an unexpected connection between your church and foster care caseworkers. Every child in foster care has a foster care caseworker. It’s their role to ensure the safety and well-being of each child on their case load.
Our nation’s foster care caseworkers are experiencing immense isolation and weariness; burdened by heavy caseloads and limited resources and are leaving their roles after an average of only 2.5 years, often abruptly due to burnout.
When our workers leave, it has a devastating impact on children. It contributes to increased time in foster care, higher risk of placement disruptions, and triggers feelings of being abandoned, unwanted, and unloved.

Caseworkers are leaving their roles after an average of only 2.5 years, often abruptly due to burnout.

Well supported workers will more effectively serve children.

Your church can partner with foster care caseworkers to show children they are seen, known, and loved.

Grow awareness in your church with more from our 4-part video series Foster Care + The Church.

Learn More

At The Forgotten Initiative, we train local church lay leaders to be salt and light

to caseworkers in their communities.

Identify your lay leader to connect your church to a foster care agency.

Over the past 13 years, we’ve seen that being salt and light is attractive to workers, regardless of their faith, what part of the country they live, or whether they work in state or private agencies.

Our application to receive training & become a TFI Advocate are open now through November 30!

Invite a lay leader to apply

Have questions? Join Mellissa for a live Q+A.

Sign up for a slot on one of our upcoming virtual calls and learn more about how you can partner with your local foster care agency. We’re here to help!

Sign Up

We provide each lay leader with: personalized coaching – professional resources – intentional community.

Hear from other pastors about the Church’s place in foster care –

The Forgotten Podcast / E109

God’s heart for families in crisis and your role

The Forgotten Podcast / E149

The gospel of place

The Forgotten Podcast / E155

The call of the church: seeking + serving the orphan

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