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National Foster Care Month

By April 30, 2019September 18th, 2024TFI

Did you know that May is National Foster Care Month?!

To celebrate, we’re releasing a brand new resource and we want to give it to you for FREE!

Last May, we launched our children’s book series, Who Loves! Children in foster care typically have many individuals moving in and out of their lives. This constant change can lead to the false belief that no one loves them—it doesn’t even seem like anyone will stay with them for the long term.

The Who Loves series is designed specifically to give children a different perspective on the people they interact with while they are in foster care. Each person shows love and attention in different ways, by doing their job or providing protection. The overarching message to the child is You are worthy and you are loved, and we are all here to help bring about the best for you!

Additionally, these books can educate others about the foster care journey many children may take, explain the changes and challenges they may face and introduce the many people who love and care for them.

And now we’re adding a companion LIFEBOOK to the series! Download it here.