Life Matters
The most amazing gift that human beings have ever been given is the gift of life. Every breath we take is precious, every beat of our heart is to be cherished because life itself has come to us from the very breath of God.
And in God’s creation we’re surrounded by all sorts of life. From the birds flying high in the sky to the fish swimming in the deepest parts of the sea, life is all around us.
Yet, nothing is more valuable, more treasured, more costly than human life. Nothing should be defended more fiercely and passionately than human life, especially the most vulnerable among us. As beautiful as creation is, nothing is more precious to the heart of God than the pinnacle of his creation, human beings.
In Genesis 1 we read of God’s remarkable power as he speaks creation and life into existence. Yet, it was only humanity that was created in the image of God.
Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. / Genesis 1:26-27
Life matters because life itself comes from the very hand of God. This means that human beings, image bearers of God, have inherent value, worth, and dignity regardless of status, ability, or background. And their value, worth, and dignity belongs to them from the very moment of conception.
Since God values life as he is the giver and source of life, then we must value life as well from the womb to the grave. We must protect it, defend it, and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. We must joyfully submit to God’s good design for his creation.
God’s Good Design for Human Flourishing
When God created Adam and Eve in His image, His desire was to see the rest of the world filled with image bearers. Ultimately, this means that our lives are about reflecting the beauty, glory, and majesty of God to the rest of the world. This is why you exist. It’s what gives your life meaning and purpose.
The family then is God’s good design for human flourishing and the way in which we multiply and fill the earth with more image bearers of God. Which means, children are a gift from God and not a burden. The psalmist writes,
Children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! / Psalm 127:3-5
How sad it is in today’s culture that children are being seen more and more as nothing but a hindrance to our plans and goals for our lives.
The Fracturing of God’s Good Design
Though Genesis 1 and 2 reveal a beautiful picture of God’s design for human flourishing, we obviously see today that we’re not living in a Genesis 1 and 2 world, and this is because Genesis 3 happened.
It’s there that Adam and Eve rejected God’s good design and instead believed the lie that they could forge a better path and lay out a better plan for their lives apart from God. They believed the lie that they didn’t need God to flourish but that life would be better for them if they were put in charge.
This betrayal, this rebellion, this sin has now permeated and affected all of God’s world. Where at the beginning there was no such thing as death, now we live in a world where death exists. Where at the beginning there was no such thing as pain and suffering, now we live in a world where every person is affected by it and experiences it.
Where at the beginning families were meant to be a way in which God’s image was multiplied throughout the earth, now many families experience brokenness, division, and pain.
Children who are meant to be cared for, protected, and defended are in many cases abandoned, abused, rejected, or even aborted before they have the chance to take their first breath.
Though we live in a Genesis 3 world, our hearts and souls still yearn to return to Genesis 1 and 2. This is because, though sin has damaged us, though we’re corrupted by it, we still bear the image of God. Though sin has separated us from God, He has not abandoned us.
And we live with a hope that one day, all that is broken in this world will be made new once again. It’s the promise we find in Jesus.
Your Kingdom Come
Until that day when Jesus makes all things new, we work, by grace to that end. The church is an outpost of the Kingdom of God meaning that we live in such a way to reflect to the world what life looks like when lived under God’s reign and rule.
It’s why the church should be on the front lines pushing back against that which is dark in the world. And we don’t push back against darkness with force or violence but with Truth, love, sacrifice, and a heart that seeks to serve others, especially the most vulnerable among us.
It’s why the church for so long has been leading the way to adopt children in need of a family. Praise God for parents who adopt! What a glorious picture it is of the gospel and how through faith in Christ we have been adopted into the family of God. Once we were strangers and now in Jesus we have been brought near to God and are loved and accepted.
The church should be leading the way in fostering children who need a safe place to live. Praise God for foster parents! They are a picture of Jesus’ sacrificial love. These wonderful people give up much to serve the most vulnerable. They should be commended, supported and thanked for their sacrifice.
The church should be leading the way in supporting social workers. These men and women are on the front lines and enter incredibly difficult circumstances to care for children because life matters.
As a part of the church are you living as an outpost of the Kingdom of God? Are you revealing to the world that life matters, that life is sacred, and those who are most vulnerable must be protected and cared for? Our God is a God of life; therefore all life matters to Him and since it matters to Him it must matter to us.
The church is God’s plan A to push back against that which is dark in the world and there is no plan B nor is there a need for one. God will restore His good world back to how it was intended to be. Are you a part of God’s story of redemption?
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