We are so thrilled to introduce our Summer 2022 TFI Advocate Training Cohort. We were overwhelmed with how lovely these individuals are, and we are so excited for you to be able to get to know them better. Would you pray with us for the launch of their ministries?
Brandi Martin, Butler County, KS –
Brandi and her husband Mac have been married for nine years and have worked together in ministry for over ten years. Both have a heart for youth and are actively involved in student ministry through the church. Mac has recently accepted the senior pastor position at their church. They are currently a family of four, having added to their family through adoption from foster care. They are also foster parents to one other young lady and are starting the process of adopting her as well. Their family lives in Augusta, Kansas, and are excited to see how the Lord shapes and grows their church’s heart for missions.
When asked, “Why do you want to be a TFI Advocate?” she shared:
“I am overjoyed anytime a foster parent reaches out to me for encouragement, a listening ear, or even sit in silence because sometimes words are too painful. However, I want to step into the lives of not only foster families but also birth families and social workers. I often hear that we have such a broken system, but I don’t want to leave such a big phrase like that alone. The truth is that even though it is broken, we have the ability as a community to step up and change that. When you are passionate about something, this passion can ignite a wildfire to overtake our community, I know this passion I have for the lives of those impacted by foster care is a God-given passion, but he has not called me to walk this path alone. The world of foster care and adoption seems like such a big scary topic for many people. I want to be able to bring real-life stories and tangible ways to step in and support the foster care community.”
Prayers would be appreciated for the church in this season of transition with leadership, as well as the church embracing the call to step into local missions in a new way. Please also pray for wisdom on my part on how to move forward with my TFI ministry.
Desiree Jacobs, San Diego, CA –
Desiree is a teacher, photographer, wife, and mom. She has four biological children, three boys, and one girl, ages 6 to 11. She has been married to her husband, Jesse, for 15 years. He is a pastor at a church in San Diego. Together they provide respite care for foster families at her church. She is passionate about bringing awareness to the foster care community and supporting foster families.
When asked, “Why do you want to be a TFI Advocate?” she shared:
“In November 2020, my husband and I became certified foster parents through a California-based organization called Family Connections Christian Adoption. Our desire was to foster-adopt a child who has been in the foster care system and is now in a position where reunification is not able to happen, and they are in need of a forever home. We have been presented with several profiles and said yes to every one of them-kiddos ranging in age from newborn to 3 years old. For one reason or another, we have not been seen as a match for them. In our waiting journey, we have begun supporting two foster families at our church by collecting items for them when they receive a placement. I have also started providing weekly respite care for one family, giving this foster mama several hours to herself while I care for her newborn. Our journey of waiting for our own placement has sparked a passion in me to support the foster care community and care for the vulnerable.
My husband is a pastor of our mid-sized church here in the heart of San Diego. Out of a congregation of 400 people, only two families are currently involved in foster care. The Lord recently reminded me of Exodus 17, where Moses is becoming weary in battle, and Aaron and Hur come and hold up his arms so he can defeat the Amalekites. That made me think of foster parents and how many could continue on in their journey if they had support and someone to “hold up their arms.” That’s what I see myself doing when I provide respite care for this foster mom. While collecting items for these foster families at our church, I realized how many people want to help the foster care community, but they just don’t know how. Every person I asked to donate items said, “Yes! I’m honored you would ask me.” I would love to bring more awareness to our church for the need for supporting the foster care community.”
After hearing from a social worker who said, “I think when we have partners provide for the needs of our families and kiddos, it spurs us on. And it’s true. We carry the mental care and concern for our families 24/7. When we know our families are receiving extra support or care, we can turn off our minds and rest.” Please pray that TFI San Diego can effectively do this!
Jennifer Price, Avery County, NC –
Jennifer and her husband, Dan, have been married for ten years and currently live in Newland, NC, where Jennifer is able to be a stay-at-home mom. Together they are parents to 2 children that they adopted through Foster Care. Jennifer and Dan have big hearts for kids and enjoy serving on their Kids Ministry Team at their local church.
When asked, “Why do you want to be a TFI Advocate?” she shared:
“My husband and I have been Foster/Adoptive Parents for the last four years and have adopted our two small children. We currently feel that our time as foster parents is coming to a close for this season as we focus on raising our kids. I am very passionate about foster care and was looking for a way to continue to help serve this community. My church, located in my neighboring town, recently started partnering with The Forgotten Initiative and put me in charge of organizing and scheduling projects to partner in. Through this, I learned about the Advocate Role and realized that the town I currently live in could benefit so much from this ministry. I love the heart behind the ministry of bringing the church around the Foster Care Community to serve them in a tangible way, as well as raising awareness to a Community that I feel so many know little about.”
Please pray that the churches in Avery County will become more aware of the foster care community and will be encouraged to share the love of Jesus with them. Pray that lives will be encouraged and changed through this ministry.
Tiffani Saltsman, Boone County, KY –
Tiffani has recently worked part-time as an adoption specialist doing home studies for families in the adoption process. She also taught Kindergarten for two years prior to adopting their first child. Currently, she is a stay-at-home mom. She has been married to her husband, Jacob, for 16 years, and they have four children. Three of their children came to their family through domestic infant adoption, and their youngest is in the process of being adopted through the foster care system. They live in Union, Kentucky, and attend Florence Baptist Church. Serving others is what brings their family the most joy.
When asked, “Why do you want to be a TFI Advocate?” she shared:
“My husband and I have a passion to see the church step up and support the foster care system. We have a desire to bring awareness to the church and help bridge the gap between the resources of the church and how we can be used to minister to those involved in “the system.”
Please pray that people rise up to serve in the foster care community as opportunities begin to be presented. Pray for other churches in our area to join in as well. Praise the Lord for the way that state foster care leaders and my church leaders have been receptive to TFI and their eagerness to get involved.