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Episode 218: Deeper Than Sunday (w/ Desiree Jacobs)

By January 29, 2024The Forgotten Podcast

I am so excited to bring you something a little bit different today. Grace Church of San Diego is letting us feature an episode of their podcast, Deeper Than Sunday, which featured one of our TFI Advocates, Desiree Jacobs.

What a great conversation you are about to hear on how the church can step in and love the foster care community and ultimately see lives transformed for the glory of God.

In this episode, you’ll hear about secondary trauma, how to link arms with those in the foster care community, the difference between being inconvenienced versus overextended, and so much more!

I am grateful to Grace Church of San Diego for sharing this episode with us and allowing us to learn from their conversation!


1. There’s joy in serving together.

When we work together in the foster care community, there is something special about supporting one another. The work is that much sweeter and the joy is that much deeper! We all need people who will step up to link arms with us instead of waiting for a response to the question, “What do you need?”

“This work is hard and so when you get to link arms with someone, it makes everything ten times sweeter.”

2. We get to work in a promise of God.

Being in the foster care community is heavy and difficult at times. The darkest days can cause us to forget that we get a front-row seat to see God show up and fulfill His promise to those that are vulnerable. We get to see hope restored and faith expanded on a regular basis.

“God wants to meet people when they serve orphans and widows and it’s this faith-growing opportunity. I often remind my staff that we get to work in a promise of God.”

3. Embrace inconvenience.

Many supporting roles in the foster care community have a high burnout rate. And it’s a fine line between overextending ourselves and embracing inconvenience. In what ways are we willing to be inconvenienced to impact the life of a child? Likely, the opportunities to help a child or someone in the foster care community will not come at a time when it is convenient. Those opportunities require a sacrifice and often involve shouldering a burden for someone else.

“What are we willing to sacrifice? What are we willing to let happen?”


We hope this episode has helped you wherever you are on your foster care journey. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Meet Our Guests

Desiree Jacobs is a TFI Advocate, mom, and teacher. Her husband, Jesse, is on staff at Grace Church of San Diego as a Campus Pastor.

Missy Bell is the Programs Director at Olive Crest where their mission is to transform the lives of at-risk youth through the healing power of God, family, and community.

Jeff Dillow is the Creative Director and a pastor at Grace Church of San Diego as well as the host of the Deeper Than Sunday podcast.

Foster Parents, check with your agency to see if listening to this podcast will count toward your foster care training hours!

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