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Does God Care?

By July 18, 2019July 31st, 2019Blog
Life got interesting in our household a few weeks ago. Two little girls, ages 3 & 4, entered our home and hearts. We love them and yet with all the joy, there are challenges. 
Perhaps no challenge has been more evident in these first few weeks than bedtime. Settling down for the night comes with tears that are rooted in an understandable concern: my adults are leaving the room and I am now alone. This is a very real battle that rages in the mind of a child. We reassure them that we are still present, even if we are not in the room. We point to where we will be, just on the other side of the wall. We remind them they are protected, even though they don’t see us. They are loved and cared for, even when it is hard to see in the moment.
I’m wondering if you need that reminder today too, weary foster parent. 
Maybe you aren’t worried about your people leaving you, but your fears are just as valid. Maybe you’re having the same type of conversations and need the same reassuring from your heavenly Father. He is still present as you sit in your current, hard yuck. Maybe you need a gentle reminder that you are loved and cared for, even when it is hard to see in the moment. Perhaps you are feeling alone and you need to hear that God has not left. 
God has not lost the reigns on your life (nor the life of your kids) even in the most challenging of circumstances. 
People throughout history have needed this reminder, including the people of Judah. 
Daniel 1:1-2 presents a very difficult reality facing the kingdom of Judah:
“In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with some of the vessels of the house of God. And he brought them to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and placed the vessels in the treasury of his god.”
Judah was not in a good place. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city and took the vessels of worship, placing them in the temple of his pagan god, so as to say,“Where is your God now?” Was God just letting His covenant people come undone? God promised the blessings of descendants, land, and general blessings to the Israelites through Abraham (Gen.12:1-3). Now, all of these blessings seemed to be dissolving right before their eyes. 
Do you feel this way about God? Are you questioning God’s control and care as you face difficulties?
Perhaps your child’s case is not going as you’d expected. Maybe your relationship with your agency or caseworker is strained. Maybe even your marriage or forever family is struggling in the midst of all of this. 
There is hope in the midst of Daniel 1:1-2. Things were not as they appeared. There are two important nuggets of truth that we overlooked–nuggets that show us that God was in complete control of the situation. He is referred to as“Lord,” the title used for someone who is master, owner, ruler, or sovereign. It also says the Lord “gave” Jehoiakim into Nebuchadnezzar’s hand. In fact, in Jeremiah 25:9, God refers to Nebuchadnezzar as “my servant.” He was nothing more than a pawn on God’s chess board.
God is not only in control but He also cares deeply for His people.
The remainder of the book of Daniel shows this incredible balance of God’s sovereign control and care. Even when God feels distant, He is incredibly close. Even though he cannot be seen, His presence and care can be felt. Just like the reminders we have to give our girls each night, so God’s people, including us, need the reassurance of His sovereign control and care. And He is gracious to do so.
Weary foster parent, never doubt God’s sovereign care for you. You are deeply loved. When difficulty comes your way, remember that God is in control and that he has a purpose for your struggle, just like he did for the Israelites. His desire is not to break your faith but strengthen it. As James reminds us:
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
James 1:2-4 
Praise God that He is working all things together for our good! (Romans 8:28)

Holly & Scott Gnuse

Scott and Holly love Jesus and people—including the little ones that they get to care for in their home as foster parents! Scott serves as an Associate Pastor of Student Ministries at their church and Holly has the joy of working at TFI! Together, they enjoy running, reading, and drinking coffee.

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