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Episode 4: Combining Word and Deed to Provide Belonging (w/ Dr. Krish Kandiah)

By June 5, 2024June 17th, 2024Just Neighbors Podcast

Key Question: How do we provide compassion, belonging, and relief in light of the injustice all around us?

This week on Just Neighbors, it’s an honor to welcome Dr. Krish Kandiah, founder of The Sanctuary Foundation, a charity supporting refugees to find welcome, work, and worthwhile housing in the UK. Krish is a social entrepreneur, broadcaster, speaker, development consultant, and author. His mission is to help solve some of society’s seemingly intractable problems through partnerships across civil society, faith communities, government, and philanthropy.

When we hear of those seeking refuge, many of us rightfully think of images from war-torn countries where people are experiencing extreme injustice. Today, Krish helps us understand the important work they are doing, the largest challenges he sees for people who are removed from their home, and how Christ followers should respond to the complex conflicts happening across our world. Beyond that, he guides us in seeing that displacement is happening all around us, as children are placed in foster care, people who move to a new city for their jobs, and people feel like they don’t belong.

For each of us, what remains the same is our biblical responsibility to offer hospitality to others, combine word and action in our response to injustice, and provide belonging.


We aren’t all called to make a difference on a national or global level, but each of us can pay attention to and address the injustices that exist in the communities and neighborhoods we exist in.

Serving the marginalized is actually an act of worship. Jesus put this on display by responding to the marginalized not just in word, but in deed also. How can we share the love of God by being people who are marked by hospitality and care?

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We hope this episode has encouraged you as you think about practicing biblical justice and compassion together. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Meet Our Guest

Dr. Krish Kandiah is the founder of The Sanctuary Foundation, a charity supporting refugees to find welcome work and worthwhile housing in the UK. Krish is a social entrepreneur, broadcaster, speaker, development consultant, and author. His mission is to help solve some of society’s seemingly intractable problems through partnerships across civil society, faith communities, government, and philanthropy. Dr. Kandiah is recognized as an expert in refugee resettlement, child welfare reform, educational innovation, and civil society mobilization.

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