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This Will Help You Fight Fear

By October 8, 2020October 13th, 2020Blog

Do you ever open up your Bible app, hit play, and let the truth of God’s Word wash over you? If not, try it; I promise it’s a breath of fresh air from the constant craziness of life. When I’m walking through seasons, even just moments of fear, this is a go-to for me. I NEED truth because I really struggle to have clear and rational thoughts. When we are feeling all sorts of emotions and battling an overwhelming amount of conflicting thoughts in our minds, it’s important to input truth.

Today, we’ve gathered three great podcast episodes that will be an encouragement to your soul if fear is something you often battle or you’re battling right now. Listen in and let truth wash over you from these encouraging messages!

Never Give Up Hope

The one certainty of foster care is there is no certainty. When plans change quickly, people get hurt, or you feel your heart breaking, it is easy and natural to fear. In today’s episode, Singer, Songwriter Ellie Holcomb, encourages us through words (and song too!) to hold on to Hope.


Fighting Fear and Walking in Faith as a Foster Parent

Loving a child without knowing how long they will be with you or where they will go next is painful. It is easy to feel fearful and frustrated with this lack of control, and it is especially challenging to continue on when you feel alone. In today’s episode, you will relate to Amber Reynolds as she shares her experiences as a foster parent. You will also gain insights about how you can support those around you and stay strong in your personal journey.


Staying the Course in Foster Care: “It’s What We Do”

Peter Greer and his family have opened their home to foster care for several years and have experienced the highs and lows of all foster care entails. After several hard situations, Peter admits to being reticent, even outright against, getting back into the foster care world. A greater sense of purpose and the support and encouragement of his children has ensured that, in spite of the pain, unpredictability, and potential for hurt, their family will continue to say “yes” to foster care.


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