Key Question: As followers of Jesus, we should be known by our actions (John 13:34-35). Do your actions differentiate you from the rest of the world?
Hey, neighbors! We’re back this week with another great episode as we explore the topic of reconciliation and how we can create communities that are crafted in a way that bring racial healing and reconcile us to one another.
Our very idea of what it means to be reconciled will likely be challenged through this conversation.
Joining us for this episode is David Bailey, a public theologian, culture maker, and change catalyst focused on cultivating reconciling communities. He is the founder and CEO of Arrabon, a spiritual formation ministry that equips the American Church to actively and creatively pursue racial healing in their communities. He is the co-author of the study series, A People, A Place, and A Just Society. David is also an ordained minister rooted at East End Covenant Fellowship, where he serves on the preaching team.
In this episode, you’ll hear the connection of reconciliation to spiritual formation, how God was preparing David for years to do the work he’s doing, a vision for the Church if we take this work seriously, and more.
As we consider this idea of reconciling the world around us, we must recognize that this isn’t only about race, broken families, or the vulnerable. The entire world is broken because of sin.
But within this brokenness is an invitation. The invitation is to partner with God in the cultivation of goodness and reconciling every aspect of the world unto Himself. We need to have eyes that see the brokenness of our world, but also a passion to participate with God in His mission to restore.
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- [Book] Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience
- Study Series: A People, a Place, & A Just Society
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Meet Our Guest
David M. Bailey is a public theologian, culture maker, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Arrabon, a spiritual formation ministry that equips the American Church to actively and creatively pursue racial healing in their communities. David is also the co-author of a study series called A People, A Place, and A Just Society and the executive producer of a documentary, 11 am: Hope for America’s Most Segregated Hour and the Urban Doxology Project. His passion is to be a catalyst for building reconciling communities. David serves on the preaching team at East End Covenant Fellowship in Richmond, Virginia where he lives with his wife, Joy.
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