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Episode 246: Leaning on Community as a Single Foster Parent (w/ Emma Finton)

By August 12, 2024The Forgotten Podcast

“I may be single and fostering by myself, but I am far from alone.”

Community is a crucial aspect of anyone’s journey of becoming a foster parent as you navigate court dates, visitations, doctor’s appointments, school activities, big emotions, and more. When you’re a single foster parent, juggling all of those dynamics can be even more complex.

Emma Finton had a passion ever since she was young to become a foster parent, and ultimately became a licensed foster parent in November of 2022. She is currently providing care for two children. On top of that, she enjoys her work as a nanny.

In this episode, Emma shares how she knew it was the right time to become a foster parent, the challenges of being a single foster mom, tips she uses to manage the chaos, and the importance of having a supportive community around you.

Listen in!



1. You don’t have to be married to foster.

Single foster and adoptive parents may be in the minority, but you don’t have to be married to take action. The most important prerequisite to be able to foster is that you care deeply and want to offer children in foster care a safe place for however long they need it.

“These are little ones that I can be a safe place for them to land whether that be a night or a week, a month or forever. Whatever that ends up looking like, I have something to bring to the table and to be able to offer them.”

2. Find your supportive community.

We’ve said this many times before because it is so important—find a support system. You need people around you who can relate to what you are going through, offer advice, give help, and encourage you in any way that they can. As a single foster parent, it’s even more valuable to have that support system.

“I may be single and fostering by myself, but I am far from alone.”

3. Make a plan for the chaos of parenting.

Being a single foster parent brings with it some unique challenges. One recommendation Emma shared was to prepare in advance to manage some of the chaos. Doing things like sorting your laundry in preplanned outfits may take a little extra time, but can go a long way when you are trying to rush out the door in the morning!

“Be prepared and have a game plan to make the next day go smoother.”


We hope this episode has helped you wherever you are on your foster care journey. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Meet Our Guest

Emma Finton is a single foster mom and nanny living in North Idaho. She is passionate about all things holistic living and loves to make sourdough bread on a regular basis. In this season of life, you can find Emma pouring into the lives of the children in her care, spending time with good friends, or enjoying an iced coffee.

Foster Parents, check with your agency to see if listening to this podcast will count toward your foster care training hours!


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