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Episode 9: How Foster Parents Can Make a Difference in Biological Parents’ Lives

By August 15, 2016January 3rd, 2023The Forgotten Podcast
Lindsay Emswiler

"God, you’ve given me this wonderful life; how can I not share that with someone else?"

In this episode, you’ll discover a new perspective on bio-parents and how their past influences their present and future, an engaging response to the “I could never do that” statement, and an honest look at how foster parents can make a difference in bio-parents’ lives.


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Lindsay Emswiler

Meet Our Guest

Lindsay Emswiler is just a regular mom, business owner and pastor’s wife whose eyes were opened and life transformed when she became a foster parent. She and her husband, Cory, live in West Virginia with their kids–two biological, one adopted, and whomever the else the Lord brings their way! Connect with Lindsay via Facebook or Instagram.

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