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These Resources Are Changing Our Perspective on Birth Parents

By January 16, 2020March 12th, 2020Blog

Understanding the perspective of birth parents can be difficult. And still, looking beyond ourselves with an openness to learn more about our child’s birth parents is vital whether our children return home or join our family permanently. Taking another vantage point isn’t always comfortable, though. It can feel like a pull within us—wanting to support reunification and yet battling our own hearts that rage with protection. Whether you’ve found yourself reading this with a heart already oozing with compassion or you’re pleading for a new perspective, here are some great resources to help you on your journey!

Check-out these great resources as you think and pray through what your next steps look like in becoming a foster parent.


Wood and Grace

Meet the Parents

“I was literally shaky as I pushed this precious little boy into the building. I used my pram stroller in hopes to keep his identity hidden as best I could since I had no idea what I was walking into. To my surprise, on the elevator ride up, a beautiful young woman extended her arm out and said, “Hi, I am his mom!” I was completely caught off guard both by the shock that his mom and dad were right beside me and also by her sweetness.”




The Forgotten Initiative Blog

Partnership in Parenting

“Parenting. What a journey! Sometimes, it’s the greatest journey I’ve been on; other times, not so much. It’s just really, really hard. Are you with me on that one? Sure, there are moments of joy and times where I feel like I am rocking this thing, but then there are moments of real struggle. My own sin comes out, and I want things my way.

Foster parenting only increases my desire to want my own way as I try to navigate parenting with my child’s biological parents.”




The Forgotten Podcast

The Birth Parent Perspective: What It’s Like Having Your Child Removed From You

Ashley found herself caught in addiction after being first exposed to narcotic pain killers at the hospital. Because of this, her son was removed from her custody and put into foster care. Ashley’s story is one of brokenness and redemption. This episode brings us the unique perspective of the birthparent.




Our Cooper Crew

Her Mess and My Mess

“I started out the foster care journey a little “anti-birth parent.” Maybe I’m not supposed to admit that to people outside this journey, but I’m being honest here. I went into fostering with a bit of an attitude toward the birth parents, thinking,‘You made your mess, and now I’m the one cleaning it up. Thank you very much.'”


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