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Episode 10: The Difference a Grandparent Can Make in the Life of Your Foster or Adopted Child

By August 29, 2016January 3rd, 2023The Forgotten Podcast
Ringger Family Photo

"If we don’t end up together in heaven, the other things don’t mean anything."

Marla Ringger talks about what it’s like being a grandma of many, including the unique dynamic of loving and bonding with children who became part of her family through adoption and foster care. You’ll love hearing the story of how Marla’s heart softened towards orphaned and vulnerable children as well as how she takes practical steps to make sure her 15(!) grandchildren know she loves them. You’ll want Marla to be your grandma by the end of the show!


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Meet Our Guest

Marla and her husband Gary have three adult daughters, two sons-in-law and 15 grandchildren! Together they founded Lifesong for Orphans, a ministry that mobilizes the Church through adoption, foster care, and global orphan care Initiatives. Marla spends much of her time with her grandkids but also volunteers her time as one of the adoption coordinators at Lifesong and also manages the books for Gobena Coffee.

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