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Episode 179: Recognizing Signs of Grooming and Trafficking (w/ Tiffani Price)

TW: This episode does contain mentions of abuse, sexual abuse, human trafficking, and Satanic Ritual Abuse that we want you to be aware of before listening.

We know that youth in and out of foster care are a very vulnerable population and at risk for trafficking. However, what you might not realize is that 60% of all child sex trafficking victims have histories in the child welfare system, according to the National Foster Youth Institute.

My guest today knows the reality of human trafficking on a very personal level. Tiffani Price is a survivor of human trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). She deeply understands the many difficulties facing this vulnerable population as she was trafficked by her adoptive parents. Today, Tiffani has founded a nonprofit called GloryB to help support other survivors.

In this episode, Tiffani bravely shares her story and helps us understand how we can protect children in our care by recognizing signs of grooming and trafficking.


1. Understand the entry points for trafficking.

It doesn’t start with trafficking. Usually, it will start with grooming and filling a gap in a person’s life. This might look like meeting a perceived need or filling a relational gap in their lives. For foster children, there are often many opportunities to fill a need or role that a child feels is not being met, which can lead to trafficking.

“The easiest way to traffic someone is to groom them.”

2. There is darkness in the world.

As Christians, we typically focus on the light and blessings of God, as we should. However, there is also darkness and evil lurking in this world. We not only need to be aware of this darkness, but guard against it. Especially in a digital age, we need to teach our children what or who is safe and unsafe, as well as what appropriate behavior looks like in relationships.

“One study estimates that the trafficker is a family member in about 31 percent of child sex trafficking cases.”

3. Hold hope for those who cannot hold hope themselves.

Recovery takes time. If you know someone who has survived abuse, trauma, or trafficking, they may not be able to have hope for themselves and for the future for a long time. The trauma of what they have been through can cover up the hope for all that God has in store for them. Be a supporting presence in their lives, love them, and hold onto hope for them.

“It’s a hard recovery and we just need someone to be diligent and steadfast in saying, ‘No matter what you do I’m still going to love you because what happened to you isn’t you.’”


We hope this episode has helped you wherever you are on your foster care journey. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Today’s episode is sponsored by Samaritan Ministries, a community of Christians paying one another’s medical bills. It’s not insurance and there are no networks, which puts you in charge of your health care. It’s Biblical, affordable, and you can join anytime of the year.


Meet Our Guest

Tiffani Price is an adoptee, former foster child, a survivor of human trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse, and the founder of GloryB, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting survivors of trauma, abuse, and trafficking. Tiffani was a victim of Familial Trafficking when her adoptive parents completed her international adoption for the sole purpose of trafficking. Tiffany was re-adopted at 29 years old and has a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Analysis. 

Foster Parents, check with your agency to see if listening to this podcast will count toward your foster care training hours!

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