by Jami Kaeb
Sometimes I crave neat and tidy. I think “if only I would be more organized, then…” or “If only, I could stay on top of laundry, then…”
“If only…”
Sometimes I look out at my beautiful family that the Lord has entrusted me with, my family, and I feel pure joy.
I watch them play, even argue, and I can’t help but smile.
But other times, I feel totally overwhelmed. I think, “Lord, you have asked too much of me. I am in over my head. I can’t…”
These are the times I start craving neat and tidy and dream of easier times. But here’s what the Lord is saying to me in those moments.
“Find me in the midst of your mess. I am here. Neat and tidy will never come. We live in a fallen world. Crave ME and you will be fulfilled.” When I get overwhelmed, when I feel beaten down, when I am weary, He calls to me: “Don’t do this alone. I am here.”
And I realize, I am right where I am supposed to be. Lost without Him. Complete in Him.
Have you ever experienced this? Do you ever try to do this alone? He’s got so much in store for you and for me. He is here, right in the midst of your mess and mine, and He calls us to journey with Him.
I was preparing for a team meeting recently, and I was re-reading Micah 6:8, which says,
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8b
Did you catch that last phrase?
With your God.
Whenever we hear this verse, we often think of the first parts. The acting justly. The loving mercy. The walking humbly. But as I’ve been reflecting on this verse, I feel like the primary truth is all wrapped up in that last phrase:
With your God.
Friends, we can’t do it alone. And so often when the pressure rises and this journey becomes stressful, our first reaction is to try to go it alone. To push through. To do what feels right on our own.
But that’s not the journey God has called us to. It’s not what He desires for us.
Act justly with your God.
Love mercy with your God.
Walk humbly with your God.
Can you imagine the perspective shift that creates for us? It is a daily reminder that we truly are only complete in Him. That, like Jesus says in John 15, we can do nothing apart from Him.
When we walk with Him, we see a beautiful outflow of purpose, of direction, of clarity, and identity.
So friend, I just want to leave you with two questions I’ve been considering that you can reflect on as well:
This week, are you walking with your God? Or are you trying to muster up the strength to go this journey alone?

Jami Kaeb
Adoption, foster care, and advocacy were not part of Jami’s dreams for her life, but God changed her heart when He made her aware, and she is passionate about helping others become aware too! She and her husband Clint are parents to their seven children (five through adoption).
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