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Helping Your Kids Through Coronavirus

By March 26, 2020May 20th, 2020Blog

Our world has shifted in the last few weeks.

Everywhere you look, there is news-worthy information about COVID-19. Whether you’re in a place where it’s all become white noise or if you’re locked into reading all you can about what’s happening, we all feel the effects of COVID-19. So rather than telling you about all of the updates, we simply want to share some helpful resources we’ve found. We’ve sorted through the articles to help you zero in on supporting the foster care community, and for you, that might be caring for the little ones in your home.

Foster care doesn’t get to stop in times of crisis; sure, some things about it have to change depending on the State, but now more than ever, we need to advocate and care for those in the foster care community. If you’re a parent caring for a child from a hard place, we see you; your role is so important. This virus could trigger fears you were not expecting, and your kids need you to wade through this hard, messy stuff with them.

How can we advocate and care for those in the foster care community well during this time? We’ve gathered a few resources to help you do just that!


Coronavirus and Foster Care: A Growing Collection of Resources

“As we all adjust to the new normal both at home and in our work, we wanted to create a central place to collect information that might be helpful to you as you advocate for children and families in your community. We will update and add as we learn more. You might consider bookmarking this page and checking back every few days.”

Confessions of an Adoptive Parent – The Honestly Adoption Podcast

How to Help Our Children Navigate the Trauma of Coronavirus

“We are in unprecedented and uncharted territory with the Coronavirus outbreak. In fact, the landscape of life is changing quickly because of it. How do we help our children navigate the anxiety, stress, and added trauma of all of this?”

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

4 Principles to Remember When Talking to Your Children About Coronavirus

“Answer the questions your child is asking, not what’s important to you as an adult. The “win” is your child navigating their world better, not creating a rubric for evaluating political decisions. This might be as simple as asking your child, “You’ve probably seen the stories on TV about that new virus. What do you think about that?” You can also ask yourself, “When I was my child’s age, what would I want to know about the coronavirus?” Also, with this in mind, use language and examples that fit your child’s world and cognitive-social development.”


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