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Episode 72: Fighting Fear and Walking in Faith as a Foster Parent

By May 20, 2019January 3rd, 2023The Forgotten Podcast

"Out of all the things that I've experienced, this [foster care] is the least amount of control that I have ever felt...and that is hard."

Loving a child without knowing how long they will be with you or where they will go next is painful. It is easy to feel fearful and frustrated with this lack of control and it is especially challenging to continue on when you feel alone. In today’s episode, you will relate to Amber Reynolds as she shares her experiences as a foster parent. You will also gain insights about how you can support those around you and stay strong in your personal journey.


1. Foster Parenting is Hard.

Loving a child without knowing or having any say about how long they will be with you or where they will go next is painful. It is easy to feel fearful and frustrated with this lack of control. Not only does a foster parent have to navigate the emotional impact on themselves, but they often must learn a whole new way of parenting as trauma impacts a child’s brain, body, actions, and reactions in a significant way.
Navigating and advocating on behalf of the child’s medical needs, mental health struggles, school situations, food allergies, or special diets. Also, knowing how to support a child through therapist appointments, doctor appointments, and visits with their parents, which sometimes occur inconsistently are not easy.
4 Ways to Stay Strong in Your Foster Care Journey
  1. Keep a grateful journal. Practice the discipline of finding something to write each day.
  2. Tell your workers thank you and remember they are often overwhelmed, too.
  3. Pray for your child’s birth family. Ask God to give you His perspective.
  4. Walk with others and be willing to be vulnerable. Try finding another foster parent to connect with or start a safe community of foster parents if there isn’t already one. (We recommend checking out our friends at Replanted Ministry and Oasis Community!)

I often times feel like I have nothing else to give, but that’s when God shows up and says, ‘Here I am, I am using you as a vessel even when you have nothing left’.

Amber Reynolds

2. Foster Parents Need Your Support.

Your support makes a significant difference in the lives of not only foster parents but on the kids they are caring for as well. Small and sincere acts of love say to a weary foster parent, “I see you.” “You are known.” “I love you.”
When you come alongside a foster parent, you are a reminder to them that they are not alone. You also bring life to the truths of Scripture like in Psalms 139. “Even in the darkness dark, the dark is light to him.”
God will always find you. Even in the darkest dark of foster care, God sees you. He sees your children. He sees their parents and caseworkers. No place you go is unknown to Him.
Amber Reynolds
4 Ways to Support a Foster Parent You Know
  1. Intentionally remember the names of their children and call them by name.
  2. Send a note of encouragement and include a gift card to a local coffee shop.
  3. Be willing to listen without giving unsolicited advice.
  4. Pray for the foster parents at your church by name.

I don’t know how people do this without Jesus and without the love and care of the church showing up and being the church.

Amber Reynolds


We hope this episode has helped you wherever you are on your foster care journey. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Meet Our Guest

Amber describes herself as “your classic 8 on an Enneagram, ESTP, and firstborn.” She loves Jesus and seeks ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to orphans near and far. She is married to Chris and they are foster parents to 3 young kids. Connect with Amber

Foster Parents, check with your agency to see if listening to this podcast will count toward your foster care training hours!

Special thanks to Resonate Recordings for their knock-it-out-of-the-park podcast production services! If you have a podcast or want to start one, reach out to our friends at Resonate!

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