- thank you and
- Walk with others and be willing to be vulnerable. Try finding another foster parent to connect with or start a safe community of foster parents if there isn’t already one.
“I see
“Even in
God will always find you. Even in the darkest dark of foster care, God sees you. He sees your children. He sees their parents and caseworkers. No place you go is unknown to Him.
Amber Reynolds
4 Ways to Support a Foster Parent You Know
- Intentionally remember the names of their children and call them by name.
- Send a note of encouragement and include a gift card to a local coffee shop.
- Be willing to listen without giving unsolicited advice.
- Pray for the foster parents at your church by name.
I don’t know how people do this without Jesus and without the love and care of the church showing up and being the church.
Amber Reynolds
100 Ways to Bless Foster Families
Replanted Ministry
Oasis Community
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
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