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Episode 205: Navigating Hardship & Pursuing a Dream (w/ Kate Wilson & Secilia Bedolla)

By October 16, 2023The Forgotten Podcast

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If you’ve ever had a dream in your heart, you know there can be a lot of steps to make it a reality. Along the way, you will likely encounter hardships, delays, and doubts.

I have a special treat for you today as we have not one, but two guests!

Kate Wilson is the Founder and CEO of Foster + Heart, a Non-Profit in Idaho that is dedicated to igniting the community to meet the needs of children in foster care. Even though the journey was long towards realizing her dream, God set things in motion to not only place that calling on her life early on but also see it come to fruition.

Secilia “Cece” Bedolla is a former foster youth and team member at Foster + Heart. Experiencing an incredibly challenging and traumatic upbringing, Cece’s story is a story of discovering hope in the midst of hardship.

I was so honored to have this conversation and I hope it’s an encouragement to you this week! Listen in as they share how God guided their circumstances and gave them the experience to meet the needs of children in foster care today.


1. Your dreams are God-given.

In today’s episode, Kate reminded us that God often places a specific desire or dream on each of our hearts. You may have felt that dream at an early age, it may have come later in life, or it may be something you’re discovering now. It’s important to remember that He is there guiding your steps along the way. Often times those delays are exactly what we need to prepare us for the future.

“Where you think you are delayed, God is actually preparing you for where He has called you.”

2. It’s okay to acknowledge the good that comes from hardship.

While we would never wish hard circumstances on anyone, it is often those experiences that shape us into who we are. Cece shared that entering foster care allowed her to discover who she was outside of being the parent for her siblings. What appears to be a delay or detour from how life is supposed to go can often be the thing that leads us to where we are meant to be.

“I am so grateful.”

3. Your experiences matter.

We see in both Kate and Cece’s stories how their journeys have benefitted them in their current roles. For Cece as a former foster youth, she is able to relate to the children she serves in ways that no one else can. Wherever you are in your journey, know that everything has value and can be used in ways you may have never imagined.

“I was reminded that I know how these kids feel and I can understand them.”



We hope this episode has helped you wherever you are on your foster care journey. That’s the goal! If so, will you tell others?

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Meet Our Guests

Kate Wilson is the founder and CEO of Foster + Heart, a Non-Profit in Idaho that is dedicated to igniting the community to meet the needs of children in foster care. She is also a single mother who found her calling in foster care and adoption. Her passion through Foster + Heart is to ensure sibling groups stay together when they enter foster care. Today, Kate is mom to five children that she adopted after fostering them. She continues to foster today as there is a need.

Secilia “Cece” Bedolla is a former foster youth and team member at Foster + Heart. Cece entered foster care at 15 and was separated from her brothers when her mom was placed in a mental institution.

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