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The role of agency workers can be challenging as they juggle the demands of heavy caseloads and long hours. Workers often feel the physical and emotional strain that comes from caring deeply for the people they serve. Seeing trauma and navigating hard decisions takes its toll—a toll that isn’t meant to be carried alone. Yet, they’re often seen as the “bad guy,” and handle the brunt of frustrations and anger from foster parents and birth parents.

For those of us that have interactions with agency workers, we have an important role to play. We cannot be another “challenging” part of their day. We need to be encouraging, full of hope, and most importantly, a reflection of Jesus.

Check out these articles for ideas on how to support and care for agency workers well!

TFI Blog

Become the “Dream Foster Parent” Your Worker Has Been Looking For

“It’s so easy to have selfish thoughts and act upon those, but that is not what God has called us to. He has called us to love others well, no matter who they are or where our lives intersect with theirs.

“Many people jump into foster care because they want to love on kids (which is awesome!). There is no shame here in choosing to open your home to a child who needs a safe place to land for a day, a month, years, or forever.

“But there are so many other people involved in the foster care community.”

This Hard Calling

Dear Case Worker

“I’ve seen the look of desperation in your eyes from all the calls you’ve made asking for someone, ANYONE, to open up a bed and take in this troubled teen. I’ve even embraced you in tears as you allowed the weight of your nineteen-hour day to be released right there on my living room floor. You’ve juggled dirty diaper bags and trash bags filled with the only clothing you could find for this child. Do we even need to bring up your exposure to the L word? You’ve whispered stories of egregious abuse and painful pasts in the doorway of my home.”

Barren to Blessed

A Caseworker’s View of Removals

“Removals. There are many definitions of the word. Sometimes, removals can be good things; such as the removal of a brain tumor, or a pesky rodent in your crawl space, or the removal of an unwanted weed in your garden. Other removals can be tragic; such as the removal of a parent from the home due to death, or the removal of a pet from a home due to neglect, or of a teenager’s cellphone due to poor grades (tragic to the cellphone-dependent teen). But what about the removal of children from their homes? Some may say tragic. Others may say good. I would like to share a story about the removal of children from their home, and let you decide.”


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