“As Jesus went, the people pressed around him. And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone.”
– Luke 8:42-43
12 years.
That’s how long the blood had been coming. She was never free of it.
12 years of searching for a cure, spending everything she had in the hope for answers.
Labeled as unclean.
She was unseen, unwanted, and alone, a woman with a story and a deep need.
In the midst of the crowd, she struggled to get close to the man who they said was a healer. Too afraid to approach him, she reached out to brush shaking fingers along the hem of his robe.
And then it happened.
“…immediately, her discharge of blood ceased. And Jesus said, ‘Who was it that touched me?’ When all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!’ But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.’”
– Luke 8:44-46
Jesus could have kept walking. He could have been angry at being interrupted. He could have hurried on to help the “truly important” people. At this point in His journey, He had just healed a man afflicted by a legion of demons and was on His way to save the dying daughter of a synagogue leader. He was already doing good work. And yet, He saw her in a way no one else had.
“And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.’”
– Luke 8:47-48
Jesus called her “Daughter.” He forever changed her life. Others saw her as a lost cause. Jesus saw her faith. Others avoided her as unclean. Jesus stopped to acknowledge her as His own.
There is power in seeing others through Jesus’ eyes.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, he consistently sought out the people that others considered “less-than”. The outcasts. The despised. The lowly. He chose to know and serve them.
Consider the story of Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector. Despite the crowd’s disdain, Jesus saw beyond Zacchaeus’ societal status and into his heart. He not only noticed Zacchaeus but also chose to dine with him, declaring, “Today salvation has come to this house” (Luke 19:9).
Similarly, Jesus extended His attention to the woman at the well, a Samaritan ostracized by her community. Despite cultural barriers and social norms, and despite the decisions the woman had made in her life, Jesus engaged her in conversation and offered her the living water of eternal life (John 4:10).
When parents began bringing their children to Jesus to receive a blessing from Him, the disciples wanted to protect Jesus from being interrupted. But Jesus refused to dismiss the children. Instead of sending them away, Jesus took the time to welcome them and pray over them. He even went so far as to say that “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:13-15).
Jesus was unafraid to move toward people.
The reality is that there are many in the foster care community who have been forgotten. There are many who have been ignored or isolated. But like we see in the example Jesus sets for us, no one is forgotten. He sees the children. He sees the case workers. He sees foster parents. He sees biological parents and their stories. He sees the churches working to get involved. He sees judges and agency workers.
He sees.
“He knows life is messy, and still, He presses in, willing to give sacrificially for our sake.”
We have the opportunity to do the same. In fact, as the people of God, it is our calling to do so for our neighbors. In each of our churches, it is our calling to do so for our community. Here at The Forgotten Initiative, this is why we believe the Church has a place in supporting foster care agencies, and in turn the foster care community as a whole. People in this community have needs, and churches are uniquely equipped to meet those needs.
There are countless ways to look through Jesus’ eyes at those around us. In doing so, we are searching for opportunities to fulfill the call to love as Jesus loves. We are becoming like Him.
Giving attention to the forgotten is part of God’s transforming work. He desires us to become vessels of His grace and agents of His kingdom. As we participate in the transformative effects of God’s love in the world, our lives are enriched, our hearts are expanded, and our faith is deepened.
And in the end, the greatest reward is knowing that we have been faithful to the call of Christ, who came to bring hope and new life.
How can you choose to “see like Jesus” today?
Looking for the best next step for your church in supporting the foster care community? We have a brand new 4-part video series called Foster Care & the Church, which is perfect for churches to use in small groups, classes, or larger events. Discover the details and get the series for free today >>

Holly Gnuse
Holly grew up with a heart for adoption but didn’t know much about foster care. God used an internship with a local child welfare agency to make her aware. Coupling that experience with knowing the joy of the Gospel, Holly is passionate about connecting the local church to the foster care community. Holly and her husband, Scott, were married in December 2013 and are enjoying the crazy adventure of life together.
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