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2 Truths About Finding Your Role in the Foster Care Community

By August 30, 2021Blog

by Jami Kaeb

Day after day, the Lord reminds me of His presence and how much He cares for me, my family, for you…for all of us! And because of His love, He has been teaching and stretching me. Can you relate?

Today, I want to dive into this whole idea of role. My role, your role, God’s role.

1) Your role is not to be God. That’s God’s job.

Our TFI team and I just put together this video, and it sums this up perfectly. You can watch here or below:

Some of my kids have been dealing with difficult challenges recently. And as you know, when our kids are struggling, it’s easy for us as parents to struggle too. And it’s tempting to try to fix their problems and take the pain away.

But is this really our job? To fix their problems. To take away their pain? Or is that God’s job?

I know God gives us more than we can handle on our own, but sometimes, I think we also take on more than God has called us to take.

I am learning that my job is to walk with my kids (and others), but not try to walk FOR them. I am learning that there is only One Savior, and it’s not me!

When I try to take on the role that is God’s alone, I feel buried by anxiety, pressure, depression, and hopelessness. Why? Because, I am a limited, human. Even worse, when I try to take on God’s role, I might unintentionally put a barrier between the one I’m trying to “save” and God, himself. And this is dangerous.

Today, I want to encourage you of that same truth. We can experience freedom when we fully trust God to be God. He is capable. He is faithful. He cares about you and those you love so very deeply. More than we can even imagine.

1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.”

What are you holding onto that God wants you to release to Him?

2) YOU have a role and a place to support the foster care community!

While we’re talking about roles, let’s talk foster care! Every one of us has a role we can play in supporting the foster care community. And this does not mean, everyone should become a foster parent. My good friend, Jason Johnson has a great book on this very subject.

Our God has placed a calling on each of our lives and He allows us (through His Spirit) to be hope-bringers to this world. This is crazy and incredible!

Whether you’re already involved or not, here are some roles you can step into:

  • You can reach out to an agency and thank them for the work they do in your community.
  • You can raise awareness about the need for foster care at your church.
  • You can raise awareness on social media.
  • You can babysit for a foster family or agency worker.
  • You can become an agency worker.
  • You can bring a meal to a foster family or agency worker.
  • You can go through the licensing process to be able to provide respite care.
  • You can become a foster parent.
  • You can become a TFI Advocate.
  • You can pray for the foster care community.
  • You can give to organizations who are working every day to support the foster care community.
  • You can mentor a child in foster care.

The list could go on and on, but you get it. We all have a role to play because this is gospel work. We care about people because Jesus cared about people and we simply want to follow His example.

What is God saying to you?

Our God is always faithful, my friend. He truly is. Above all else, I want to encourage you to spend time with Him. To listen to His voice. To read His Word. And intentionally live out His calling on your life. What happens as a result will be incredible!

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Jami Kaeb

Adoption, foster care, and advocacy were not part of Jami’s dreams for her life, but God changed her heart when He made her aware, and she is passionate about helping others become aware too! She and her husband Clint are parents to their seven children (five through adoption).

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