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Let’s Stop Talking and Do Something

By July 25, 2022Blog

Our words are powerful indicators of our hearts. And they hold power to impact others beyond what we might realize.

They can bring encouragement or devastation, depending on how you use them.

As Christians, living a life where our words and actions align—where we speak and act in a way that is consistent with God’s word—is a challenge, to say the least.

God has called my family into foster care ministry, and because of this, I can’t avoid seeing hurt or pain. Yes, the very core of foster care is brokenness. Yes, the system has its flaws. Yes, there is much to be done.

And yet, I get discouraged when I hear Christians use demeaning words or focus more on the negative when it comes to workers, birth families, judges, or the system. It’s especially discouraging when little to no action follows those words.

I believe this kind of talk only makes Jesus look bad. But thankfully, there is always hope.

Mother Teresa puts it this way:

“I used to pray that God would feed the hungry, or do this or that, but now I pray that He will guide me to do whatever I’m supposed to do. I used to pray for answers, but now I’m praying for strength. I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us, and we change things.”

Let’s be people of action! Let’s be people who don’t just talk about the problem or get frustrated by it, but do something to contribute to the solution. 

Let’s lean in and learn, and then do something to help.

Let us love each other as Jesus taught us in His word. He looked out for the underdog. He cared for the hurting, and He touched the ones deemed untouchable. Jesus stepped into the uncomfortable because He cared deeply about people. He showed His love through His actions.

Let us not be known as those who rise up and only speak about injustice. Instead, let us learn what our role is to combat injustice, and then do something to help.

We are not called to do it all, nor are we called to be the Savior, but we are invited to participate. To step in and do our part.

And, listen, if you don’t know what your part is yet, that’s okay. I encourage you to take time to be still and seek the Lord’s direction. He will make the path forward clear to you. And as you walk it, know it will be messy. You will do things imperfectly, and that is okay, too! It is to be expected. Perfect isn’t the goal.

Philippians 2:14-17 says this:

“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God.”
For me, this brings to mind a couple things. First, when we lead lives that are not characterized with complaining and arguing, this is so countercultural that we will shine like bright lights in our dark world. People will take notice and want to know more.
But these verses don’t end with us being bright lights: We are also instructed to hold firmly to the word of life, and to walk in faithful service. What does this mean? We have nothing to ground ourselves in if we are not connected to the truth found in God’s word. And that truth should lead us to action.
My friends, we do not have time to waste! There will always be something to complain about, but let’s reframe our perspective, seek the Lord’s guidance, stay firm in His truth, and step in.

Jami Kaeb

Adoption, foster care, and advocacy were not part of Jami’s dreams for her life, but God changed her heart when He made her aware, and she is passionate about helping others become aware too! She and her husband Clint are parents to their seven children (five through adoption).

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