Jessica Cawthorn and her siblings were cared for by extended family after the death of her parents, but in the 9th Grade, Jessica formally entered foster care and aged out of the foster care system…
Chandler James is the Director of Church Mobilization for The Riverside Project, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming the foster care system in Houston.
Today on the podcast, we are talking about a special kind of care in the foster care community called kinship care. Kinship care is when children are cared for by grandparents, extended family members, or…
With 20,000 teens aging out of the foster care system each year and many of them unprepared to navigate adult life, this is a real crisis. The need for families who are passionate about teen…
Every year, approximately 23,000 youth “age out” of foster care in the United States. Aging out occurs when unadopted youth emancipate from foster care, usually between the ages of 18 and 21 (age varies based…
She opened up the coffee shop of her dreams, but quickly began asking her self a question, "Can a coffee shop really be used to support the foster care community?" You may be surprised how…
Every human craves connection and love, teens are no different (even if sometimes they think otherwise!). Not everyone is able to become a foster parent, but there are many ways to help. Become a mentor…
There are lots of misconceptions about foster care and teens in particular. This short video from Colorado highlights some great reasons that apply in Massachusetts as well: No diapers! They sleep through the night; and…
The statistics for youth who age out of foster care receiving a college degree are extremely disheartening—fewer than 5% finish a secondary education. Royce Markley beat the odds—as a child, he was in and out…